About the designer house Chanel even know who is infinitely far from fashion. More than a hundred years, he has the highest position in the production of luxury goods: clothing, perfumes, sunglasses and jewelry. Despite a long history, each new collection of striking novelty and originality, while remaining within a single style, which assumes ideal proportions, work with color and texture of fabric. Chanel style - is, above all, style, self-confident business woman, who stands firmly on his feet and knows what she wants. The main object of the Chanel - Ladies' suit. This fall, Karl Lagerfeld gives us muffle in the fluffy fur, covered with golden scales and surround yourself with translucent chiffon and taffeta. Women's magazine Justlady with you acquainted with autumn Chanel collection 2010.
The history of this famous brand, is inextricably linked with its founder Gabrielle Chanel, nicknamed "Coco", impresses with its rapid and steady growth, control of positions gained and complete dedication, and traditions. It is - perfumes Chanel № 5, the little black dress, fitted jacket, a handbag 2.55, this particular style of business, but a sensual woman. The costumes by Chanel starred in the movies of Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn, they appear at official receptions wives of presidents and prominent businessmen. In 1982, the fashion house headed by famous fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who, while maintaining the traditional approach and style of the brand, creating the current collections.
In the words of Charles, the fall show in its scope and grandeur surpassed all possible expectations, especially after the spring catwalks, not brought significant success compared to other brands. Specially for him from Scandinavia was brought a small piece of the iceberg, which was located at the central site. It was cut out arch and it was from her model came out when it started showing Chanel Fall 2010, which opened Fry Behan Erichsen, is itself carrying a new, somewhat uncouth, and even, perhaps, grim image of women. We now turn to the collection: on the background of Arctic sea ice meets us long, not too fluffy, but rather a shaggy fur is brown, black and icy-blue tones. Not knowing the boundaries, Carl puts their models in fur pants and even shorts in the fur, combined with knitted, felted Valen attributes, a tweed suit and skin. Tweed - one of the hits of autumn hits, and it is a traditional material for houses Chanel, we meet the brown, black, white, pink, red suit with a nap in a cage, with a carrying contrasting threads, trimmed with fur. Special chic Chanel's fall collection 2010 - the red edging on the edge of some products, which make a small element of ethnic, as well as fringe.
Completes the display crisp white wedding dress in the same style, with fur, knitted bodice and rows of small furry flounces on the edge of the hem. When Karl Lagerfeld was asked: Is this real fur? ", He replied:" No, man, but the design of this! "Snow arches, icy makeup, fluffy, combed back hair - not just a spectator sees a number of suits, he is immersed in the magical atmosphere of fairy tales . Let's choose to focus on accessories: small, square-shaped handbag made of fur or skin is trimmed with fur, the present 2.55 times of Coco Chanel, though, in light of the Arctic Lights. The collection of Chanel Fall 2010 we find the richest collection of jewelry made in the same style: confusing set of icy crystals in a silver-white colors on the bracelets, pins, necklaces and even buttons. Interesting novelty - bracelet elongated shape, which is mounted not on the wrist, and by hand.
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